Slovná zásoba týkajúca sa jedla v angličtine zahŕňa širokú škálu slov, ktoré sa používajú v každodennej konverzácii, pri objednávaní jedla, pri varení a pri opisovaní chutí a ingrediencií. Táto téma je dôležitá, pretože jedlo a pitie sú neoddeliteľnou súčasťou života a často sa stávajú predmetom rozhovorov. Poďme sa pozrieť na základné kategórie slovnej zásoby o jedle v angličtine.
Kategórie jedla
- Types of Food (Druhy jedál)
- Fruits (Ovocie)
- apple (jablko), banana (banán), pear (hruška), strawberry (jahoda), orange (pomaranč), cherry (čerešňa), watermelon (melón)
- Vegetables (Zelenina)
- potato (zemiak), carrot (mrkva), onion (cibuľa), pepper (paprika), cucumber (uhorka), tomato (paradajka), spinach (špenát)
- Meat (Mäso)
- beef (hovädzie), pork (bravčové), chicken (kuracie), lamb (jahňacie), fish (ryba)
- Grains and Legumes (Obilniny a strukoviny)
- wheat (pšenica), rice (ryža), barley (jačmeň), lentils (šošovica), beans (fazuľa)
- Dairy Products (Mliečne výrobky)
- milk (mlieko), cheese (syr), yogurt (jogurt), butter (maslo)
- Sweets and Snacks (Sladkosti a občerstvenie)
- chocolate (čokoláda), ice cream (zmrzlina), cake (koláč), biscuits (sušienky), candy (cukríky)
- Meals of the Day (Jedlá dňa)
- Breakfast – First meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.
- Lunch – A meal eaten during the day, usually around noon.
- Dinner – The main meal of the day, usually eaten in the evening.
- Snack – A small portion of food eaten between meals.
- Drinks (Nápoje)
- water (voda), juice (džús), tea (čaj), coffee (káva), milk (mlieko), wine (víno), beer (pivo), soda (sýtený nápoj)
- Cooking Methods (Spôsoby varenia)
- Boil – To cook food in hot water or other liquid.
- Bake – To cook food in an oven.
- Grill – To cook food on a grill, often over an open flame.
- Fry – To cook food in hot oil or fat in a pan.
- Stew – To cook food slowly in liquid, typically in a covered pot.
- Spices and Seasonings (Koreniny a príchute)
- salt (soľ), pepper (čierne korenie), paprika (paprika), cinnamon (škorica), basil (bazalka), thyme (tymián), garlic (cesnak), ginger (zázvor)
Rozšírená slovná zásoba o jedle
- Restaurant and Dining Out (Reštaurácia a stravovanie vonku)
- Menu – A list of food and drinks available in a restaurant.
- Waiter/Waitress – The person who serves food and drinks in a restaurant.
- Order – To ask for food or drinks in a restaurant.
- Appetizer – A small dish served before the main course.
- Main Course – The main dish of a meal.
- Dessert – A sweet dish served after the main meal.
- Pay the Bill – To pay for the meal.
- Tip – An extra amount of money given to a waiter/waitress for good service.
- International Cuisine (Medzinárodná kuchyňa)
- Italian Cuisine
- pizza, pasta (cestoviny), lasagna
- Asian Cuisine
- Mexican Cuisine
- French Cuisine
- croissant, baguette, foie gras
- American Cuisine
- hamburger, hot dog, steak
- Food for Special Occasions (Jedlá pre špeciálne príležitosti)
- Christmas (Vianoce)
- roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, Christmas pudding
- Easter (Veľká noc)
- lamb, ham, hot cross buns, Easter eggs
- Summer Foods
- grilled meat, salads, ice cream
- Winter Foods
- soups, stews, baked dishes
- Healthy Eating (Zdravé stravovanie)
- Vegetarian – A person who does not eat meat.
- Vegan – A person who does not eat any animal products.
- Gluten-free – A diet that excludes foods containing gluten.
- Low-carb diet – A diet that limits carbohydrates like bread, pasta, and rice.
- Idioms about food and eating
- To bite off more than you can chew – To take on more responsibility than you can handle.
- To have a lot on your plate – To be very busy.
- A piece of cake – Something that is very easy to do.
- Spill the beans – To reveal a secret.
- Food for thought – Something that makes you think seriously.
- Talking about taste
- Delicious – Tastes very good.
- Salty – Contains a lot of salt.
- Sweet – Tastes like sugar.
- Spicy – Has a strong, hot flavor.
- Bland – Lacks flavor or taste.
Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the correct word.
- I would like a piece of __ (cake, bread, pizza) for dessert.
- For breakfast, I usually have __ (tea, coffee, water) with my toast.
- The __ (steak, ice cream, cheese) is delicious in this restaurant.
- We often eat __ (salad, soup, fish) for dinner.
- Could I have some __ (juice, wine, milk), please?
Exercise 2: Match the food with its category.
- Pizza
- Banana
- Chicken
- Rice
- Yogurt
a) Fruit
b) Meat
c) Grain
d) Dairy product
e) Fast food
Exercise 3: Translate the following sentences into English.
- Rád by som si dal zmrzlinu.
- Na raňajky zvyčajne jem chlieb s maslom.
- Mám rád sladké jedlá.
- V reštaurácii si často objednám šalát.
- Polievka bola veľmi dobrá.
Exercise 1:
- cake
- coffee
- steak
- fish
- juice
Exercise 2:
- Pizza: e) Fast food
- Banana: a) Fruit
- Chicken: b) Meat
- Rice: c) Grain
- Yogurt: d) Dairy product
Exercise 3:
- I would like to have ice cream.
- For breakfast, I usually eat bread with butter.
- I like sweet foods.
- I often order salad in a restaurant.
- The soup was very good.
Slovné spojenia o jedle
Naučiť sa slovnú zásobu o jedle v angličtine je dôležité pre každodenné situácie a konverzácie. Tieto slovíčka a frázy vám pomôžu v reštauráciách, pri nákupoch potravín, ako aj pri rozhovoroch o jedle.